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Trigger Salesforce Assignment Rules and Send Notifications From MuleSoft

In many MuleSoft integration projects, there is a requirement to create lead or case records in Salesforce. Organizations typically use the lead assignment rule and case assignment rule to automatically assign new leads or cases to the users or queue. When we create leads or cases from MuleSoft usin ...

An Effective Way To Start a NextJS Project

Choosing a framework for starting a new project can be quite challenging, considering the many frameworks and tools available today. Developers who want to build high-performance and scalable web applications often choose Next.js over others. No wonder, since Next.js is a React framework created by ...

DDN and Tintri: Powering the Future of AI and Enterprise Storage

As the demand for high-performance storage solutions continues to grow, especially in the realms of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), industry leaders DDN and Tintri are stepping up to meet the challenge. At the 56th IT Press Tour, these companies unveiled their latest innovati ...

Performance and Scalability Analysis of Redis and Memcached

Speed and scalability are significant issues today, at least in the application landscape. Among the critical enablers for fast data access implementation within in-memory data stores are the game changers in recent times, which are technologies like Redis and Memcached. However, the question arises ...

Apache Hudi: A Deep Dive With Python Code Examples

In today's data-driven world, real-time data processing and analytics have become crucial for businesses to stay competitive. Apache Hudi (Hadoop Upserts and Incremental) is an open-source data management framework that provides efficient data ingestion and real-time analytics on large ...

Using Agile To Recover Failing Projects

Did you know that up to 84% of Waterfall and 47% of Agile projects either fail or don’t meet expected results? That may sound like an alarming number, but the point of this is not to be a doomsayer or to focus on the perceived negative. What those numbers reflect is an opportunity. An opportunity to ...

How a Project Manager Can Increase Software Quality With Agile Practices

Quality is the pillar that supports any software product. If a platform works poorly, both the business and the customers fail, as they do not get what they are looking for or satisfy their most immediate needs. That's why, as customer demands and market competitiveness increase, software teams must ...

Operational Excellence Best Practices

In the summer of 2023, my team entered into a code yellow to stabilize the health of the service we own. This service powers the visualization on the dashboard product. The decision was made following high-severity incidents impacting the availability of the service.   For context, the service ...

GBase 8a Implementation Guide: Resource Assessment

1. Disk Storage Space Evaluation The storage space requirements for a GBase cluster are calculated based on the data volume of the business system, the choice of compression algorithm, and the number of cluster replicas. The data volume of a business system usually includes the following aspects: ...

A Look Into Netflix System Architecture

Ever wondered how Netflix keeps you glued to your screen with uninterrupted streaming bliss? Netflix Architecture is responsible for the smooth streaming experience that attracts viewers worldwide behind the scenes. Netflix's system architecture emphasizes how important it is to determine how conten ...

High Availability and Disaster Recovery (HADR) in SQL Server on AWS

High Availability and Disaster Recovery (HADR) play a vital role in maintaining the integrity of data, reducing downtime, and safeguarding against data loss in enterprise database systems. AWS offers a range of HADR options for SQL Server, which leverage the powerful capabilities of SQL Server along ...

Terraform Tips for Efficient Infrastructure Management

Terraform is a popular tool for defining and provisioning infrastructure as code (IaC), improving consistency, repeatability, and version control. But you need to know how to use it properly to extract maximum value from it as an infrastructure management tool.  In this article, we explore best ...

Handling “Element Is Not Clickable at Point” Exception in Selenium

In Selenium automation testing, locators help identify and interact with any element on the web page. For example, ID, Name, ClassName, XPath, CSS Selector, TagName, LinkText, and Partial LinkText are widely used to help you interact with the elements on the web page. Identifying the elements may be ...

Use AWS Generative AI CDK Constructs To Speed up App Development

In this blog, we will use the AWS Generative AI Constructs Library to deploy a complete RAG application composed of the following components: Knowledge Bases for Amazon Bedrock: This is the foundation for the RAG solution. OpenSearch Serverless collection: It supports the vector search ...

Explainable AI: Seven Tools and Techniques for Model Interpretability

As AI models become increasingly complex, understanding how they make decisions is crucial. This is especially true in fields like healthcare, finance, and law, where transparency and accountability are paramount. Explainable AI (XAI) helps by making AI models more interpretable. This blog will intr ...

Front-End Application Performance Monitoring (APM)

Introduction to Front-End APM Tools: Dynatrace vs. AppDynamics Today enterprise web applications are easy to build using technologies like React, and Angular but performance management is crucial and is often ignored. There are various Application Performance Management (APM) tools at your disposal, ...

Implementing Real-Time Credit Card Fraud Detection With Apache Flink on AWS

Credit card fraud is a significant concern for financial institutions, as it can lead to considerable monetary losses and damage customer trust. Real-time fraud detection systems are essential for identifying and preventing fraudulent transactions as they occur. Apache Flink is an open-source stream ...

PostgreSQL BiDirectional Replication

As you can understand from my previous blogs I am really into PostgreSQL. Previously we ran Debezium in Embedded mode. Behind the scenes, Debezium consumes the changes that were committed to the transaction log. This happens by utilizing the logical decoding feature of PostgreSQL.

Twenty Things Every Java Software Architect Should Know

As the software development landscape continues to evolve at a rapid pace, Java stands out as a foundational language that drives a multitude of applications on a global scale. In 2024, the role of a Java software architect has assumed unprecedented significance. Software architects must not only po ...

Leveraging Microsoft Graph API for Unified Data Access and Insights

In today's world driven by data, it is essential for businesses and developers to efficiently access and manage data. The Microsoft Graph API serves as a gateway to connect with Microsoft services, like Office 365 Azure AD, OneDrive, Teams, and more. By utilizing the Microsoft Graph API companies ca ...

AWS CDK: Infrastructure as Abstract Data Types

Infrastructure as Code (IaC), as the name implies, is a practice that consists of defining infrastructure elements with code. This is opposed to doing it through a GUI (Graphical User Interface) like, for example, the AWS Console. The idea is that in order to be deterministic and repeatable, the clo ...