Two islands inspire, is an eTwinning project (which is part of Erasmus+, the EU program for school learning).
This project is related to two islands: Arousa (in Galicia) and Chrysí (in Crete) and this website is one of the results.
Chrysí in the Lybean Sea, it's really beautiful, it's interesting to work with this island because the nature, the protection, responsible tourism, etc. It was never inhabited.
Arousa is a word that came from Celtic language and means "in the East of the peninsula" (Barbanza peninsula). The inland is called Ría de Arousa (Arousa's sea) and the island too. Arousa island is inhabited and it has a protected area in the South. Nowadays it has a bridge.
This is a multiple project:
Teachers and students are from:
Work process:
More info:
11th of May 2016
Presentation of the project to the school community in the 1st EPAL Ierapetras
18th of May 2016
Presentation of the project during the opening day of the art exhibition "Duas illas", an exhibition of artworks inspired by the project materials.
Marcos Vence - IES San Clemente
Encantoume este proxecto, poder colaborar entre as tres escolas aínda que as idades e os estudos dos alumnos non cadrasen moito.
Conseguimos botarlle unh ollo ás dúas illas, investigar sobre ambas e descubrir cousas moi interesantes.
As páxinas web feitas polos alumnos de Bruno, os xardíns deseñados polos de María, mostran unha correcta e creativa posta en práctica das habilidades aprendidas nos seus estudos de FP. O mesmo podemos dicir da sensibilidade dos alumnos de Sestelo-Baión ao crear as súas obras de arte.
Cando traballamos en equipo, cada persoa pon as súas cualidades ao servizo do grupo, e iso foi o que fixemos neste proxecto. Parabéns a todos e todas!
Maria Sourgiadaki - 1st EPAL Ierapetra
Thank you Marcos, Bruno, Jose, David, Inma, Esperanza, for this project! Thank you for the collaboration!
It was a great experience, during a difficult for me school year. I appreciated very much the fact that all project activities were integrated into my teaching and in different teaching subjects (PBL in A class and garden design in C VET class).
The collaboration with the other two schools gave my students the opportinity to broaden their perspective in our subjects, in a European level. My class of Landscape and gardening were thrilled to design the garden of a real school, in another country.
What we achieved in this project was that schools from different educational levels collaborated to learn from each other. We admired the work of IES San Clemente on the blog, they way they organized and promoted our findings on the islands. We got inspired by the Waterwatchers of Arousa. We studied the geography of Galicia (we actually know now the shape of Arousa island by heart!). We got to know the Galician language, that my students knew nothing about it. We combined lessons with art expression.
I feel that because of this project, my teaching became richer! Two little islands really inspired us, in many levels.
José Manuel Rodeiro Mougán - CEIP de Sestelo-Baión
O proxecto pareceume moi interesante aínda que pola miña parte non lle adiquei toda a atención que merecía, unhas veces por limitacións propias e outras por falla de tempo.
O alumnado mostrou interese e pareceulles unha experiencia importante a pesar de que, algúns do aspectos traballados eran un pouco densos para eles. Gustaríame valorar o esforzo do alumnado e manifestar o noso agradecemento por invitarnos a participar neste proxecto.
Charo Bañobre - IES da Illa de Arousa
O proxecto dende o principio pareceume unha proposta interesantísima. Eu non podía implicarme a participar cando mo propuxo Marcos Vence pois coordino un proxecto de educación ambiental no centro e non podia implicarme en máis cousas, pero pouco a pouco vimos que algunha das actividades que estaba a desenvolver o alumnado como a dos Waterwatchers (vixiantes das costas) ou o traballo na horta e invernadoiro podiamos casalo con este proxecto. De feito o alumnado grego deseñounos unha zona axardinada que tentaremos construír no próximo curso. O noso alumnado tamén aportou algunhas fotos da Illa para a exposición. Estou moi contenta da nosa pequena aportación e moi agradecida a Marcos Vence da súa insistencia para poder colaborar neste bonito proxecto.