Terrestial Animals

Terrestial Animals In Arousa

In the Arousa Island ther are some many types of animals that live there or at least pass throw the land. In this section you could find some of these animals that stay in the land of Arousa island.

If you click on the buttons on the right you go directly to the images of each tipe of animals.

(This page is a sample of structure and its content is under development)

Big Birds

Small Birds





Terrestial Animals In Chrysi

In the Chrysi Island ther are some many types of animals that live there or at least pass throw the land. In this section you could find some of these animals that stay in the land of Chrysi island and we managed to capture photo of them.

If you click on the buttons on the right you go directly to the images of each tipe of animals.

(This page is a sample of structure and its content is under development)
